RDSP: Research Group - Resource constrained Distributed Stream Processing

We research an integrated approach for supporting in-network sensor data processing in dynamic and heterogeneous sensor networks. The concept relies on data stream processing techniques that define and optimize the distribution of queries and their operators.

The Project is approached from three different directions:

Scenario of RDSP

The RDSP research project is a cooperation of three different research groups:


MSP430 on-node linking and migration

As part of our research we developed an optimized linker "Minilink", the possibility to migrate Protothreads, called Migmem, and some other tools. The sources can be found at the Contiki Projects Community.

Simulation of real deployments

Several tools for Cooja are under development. Upon them are RealSim (paper / code) and CoojaTrace (paper / code).


People Involved in RDSP

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rüdiger Kapitza Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Falko Dressler Dr.-Ing. Michael Daum Dipl.-Ing. Moritz Strübe
Félix Jesús Villanueva Molina

